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EFT Workshop Selflove & Selfworth

EFT Workshop Selflove & Selfworth

Excluding Sales Tax

*** Know your worth! *** Kenne deinen Wert ****


We will use EFT Techniques and a healing meditation to connect with ourselves. We will delete negative old programs and load our own battery's with energy! It's easy! This live webinar was recorded at Business & Dreams in April 2021.


A unique 1 Hour EFT - Semniar which will guide you and leave you refreshed! 


Let' take a shower! It's time to wake up!


"Our deepest fear is not the we are weak. It is our light, not our darkness that most frigthens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? You are a child of god. Your playing small does not save the world. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." Nelson Mandela 


Language: English * 


You will receive the workshop as a download and can repeat it any time you want. As a Glow Circle Member on Facebook and Instagram you can receive a code and 10% discount for every order. 

Just contact me for further information. 


Your Marie 

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